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Laser cutting machine speed—how to influence the cutting quality?


Laser cutting machine speed—how to influence the cutting quality?

Laser cutting speed is one of the most important factor affecting the quality of cutting machine. Laser power will affect the cutting speed, under certain conditions of laser power, it would have a best cutting speed range, the cutting surface roughness will be affected if the speed is too high or too slow. Thus laser cutting machine speed changes with the following factors: the beam power, beam pattern, the spot size, material density, energy of starting vaporization and material thickness.

Practice shows that cutting speed is too high to cause incision slag removal impurities; The cutting speed is too low to make the material burnt, incision width and material heat affected zone is too big.

If cutting speed is too fast, the time is shot for laser beam and materials in contact with each other, so effective spot on the surface of the workpiece will become smaller, the area of notch width will also become smaller, when the beam spot near the front of incision, the frontier of incision melting speed can't keep up with the fast laser speed, then cut the roughness of the surface will be poor quality and will appear the notch at the bottom.

Incision speed is too low, the material and laser interacting time growth, the area of the effective spot also become bigger, kerf width is bigger, the melting rate will appear normal but can't keep up with the cutting speed, lead to a fusion reaction, which can lead to irregular and too wide incision.

The higher the laser mode, the greater the spot radius, laser speckle pattern determines the quality of laser beam, it affects laser cutting ability, the size of the kerf width and roughness. Under the same conditions, focusing spot is smaller, power density will be bigger, so the cutting incision is very narrow, the cutting quality is good.