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Influencing laser cutting accuracy factor analysis


As we all know, the cutting accuracy is an important part of measuring the quality of laser cutting machines. In fact, the accuracy of metal laser cutting machines is not entirely determined by the equipment itself, but consists of many factors. Today we talk about the impact of laser cutting accuracy Several major elements:


First: We all know that the laser beam is tapered, and therefore the cut-out gap is also tapered. In this case, the thickness of 0.3mm stainless steel will be much smaller than the 2MM kerf. This is a big factor that affects the cutting accuracy of metal laser cutting machines - depending on the shape of the laser beam. In this conical laser beam condition, the greater the workpiece thickness, the lower the accuracy and the larger the kerf.

Second: When the cone-shaped laser beams are gathered together, the spot at this time will become smaller and smaller, so the accuracy of the laser cutting becomes higher and higher, especially the width of the slits becomes more and more. The smaller. At this time the smallest spot can reach 0.01mm. This is also one of the factors that affect the cutting accuracy of the laser cutting machine.

Third: In this case, the cutting accuracy of different materials is also slightly different. Even if it is the same material, if the composition of the material is different, the cutting accuracy will also be different. Therefore, the workpiece material also has a certain influence on the laser cutting accuracy.

Fourth: In fact, even a simple workbench, high-precision workbench, will lead to high-precision laser cutting results