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Do you know the features of the HANS GS laser cutting machine?


Gantry structure, gear and rack, bilateral drive... Do you know the characteristics of the HANS GS laser cutting machine?


1. What are the characteristics of the laser cutting machine?
The application of laser cutting machine in industrial products has been developing rapidly in recent years. Its near infrared wavelength (1080nm) is also more conducive to the absorption of metal materials, especially in the field of high-power welding and cutting, showing high processing capacity and economy. Compared with the gas CO2 laser, the fiber laser cutting equipment has the following characteristics: low maintenance, low energy consumption and low operation cost; optical fiber transmission, no need for reflective lens, no adjustment of external optical path, low power consumption, no consumption of working gas, energy saving and environmental protection. At the same time, the near infrared wavelength laser is more likely to cause harm to the human body, especially for the eye damage, which requires the equipment to have better sealing and other protective functions.
2, why should the laser cutting machine adopt the gantry structure?
The structural types commonly used in the CNC laser cutting equipment are gantry type, cantilever type, intermediate hanging beam and so on. But with the development of the application of laser processing to the development of high speed, high speed, high stability and control technology improvement, gantry type structure with its unique structure and advantages become the mainstream models of the world structure is also many well-known brands of laser cutting machine manufacturer using.
3. What are the characteristics of the laser cutting machine technology?
The application of fiber laser cutting equipment in metal cutting is different from traditional CO2 laser cutting machine. The change lies in external optical path, cutting head, auxiliary gas and so on. The laser can be directly through the optical fiber transmission to the cutting head, the light path is stable and reliable to ensure consistency of the machine tool cutting machine and the whole area, also do not need optical protective gas, will be equipped with air compressor system; cutting head after collimating and focusing laser, usually focusing lens focal length 125mm or 200mm configuration and equipped with protection to prevent contamination of lens focusing mirror to a focusing mirror and a nozzle; good focusing performance of fiber laser with short focal depth, cutting seam width narrower (up to 0.1mm), high speed, fast cutting for thin plate.


4, why should the laser cutting machine use the gear rack to carry on the transmission?
Several linear shaft transmission methods commonly used in CNC machine tools include ball screw, gear rack and linear motor. The ball screw is usually used in CNC machine tools in low speed travel; the gear rack is moving a wide range of applications, which can achieve high speed, large stroke; linear motor used in high speed CNC machine, special structure, high acceleration. In addition, the gear rack is divided into two kinds, straight teeth and skew teeth. Relative to the straight teeth, the meshing area is larger, and the transmission between the gear and the rack will be more stable.
5. What are the characteristics of the laser cutting machine's bilateral drive?
Gantry type structure of laser cutting machine has two forms of movement, one is the processing of gantry movement but the work table is fixed, the two is the gantry fixed and worktable movement. For large format, high-speed and high-performance laser cutting machine, the first form is usually used, because the worktable with workpiece movement is not suitable for high-speed and thick plate cutting. This bilateral drive ensures the force balance of the beam and the beam runs synchronously. The laser cutting machine of some manufacturers adopts gantry unilateral drive, the servo motor is installed at one end of the gantry cross beam, and then a long shaft is used to transfer the driving force to the other end, so as to realize double teeth gear transmission and single servo motor drive. The single side drive makes the force asymmetric at both ends of the beam, affects the synchronization precision and reduces the dynamic performance of the lathe.