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 The application of fiber laser cutting machine improve the quality of the domestic elevator manufacturing.China is the world's largest market of new elevator .Due to the real estate industry and urban public construction industry developed rapidly, China's elevator market keep 20% increasing speed every year .Using advanced optical fiber laser cutting machine has improved equipment automation & intelligent degree, let we can be flexible to cope with various production tasks, improve product quality and increase production capacity.


Elevator industry have a lot of stainless steel and the membrane materials,the requirement is high for the cross section of finish .Laser cutting surface is smooth and beautiful, and there is no tool wear.Cutting knife is narrow and parallel on both sides, also perpendicular to surface, dimensional accuracy of cutting pieces can be up to + / - 0.05 mm,and can avoid the workpiece deformation to make the products with high quality .Under 6 mm thickness plate cutting, fiber laser cutting machine also unique speed advantage, such as 1 mm thick stainless steel cutting can realize linear speed 70 m/min, effectively improve enterprise productivity.


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