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Laser cutting machine safety operation procedures


Laser cutting machine safety operation procedures

1, abide by common cutting machine safety operation procedures.In strict accordance with the laser launcher to start the laser, dimmer, commissioning.

2, the operator must be trained and familiar with cutting software, equipment structure, performance, and master the knowledge about operating system.

3, wear labor protection articles according to the rules in the vicinity of a laser beam must wear protective glasses in keeping with the rules.

4, in ascertain whether a particular material can use laser or cut before, not to its processing, in order to avoid potential danger of smoke and steam.

5, the operator shall not leave the job or when the device is alone.so escrow, if indeed need should be shut down or cut off the power switch when they leave.

6, will put a fire extinguisher conveniently accessible place: when not in processing to switch off the laser or brake light: don't placed in the vicinity of without protective laser paper, cloth or other fuel.

7, in the machining process of abnormal, should immediately stop, timely troubleshooting or report to the competent personnel.

8, keep the laser, laser head, the lathe bed and the surrounding site neat, orderly, no oil, artifacts, plank, waste stack according to regulations.

9, the use of the cylinders, should avoid to crush the welding wire, so as to avoid leakage accidents.The use of gas cylinders, transportation shall comply with the rules of the cylinder.Gas cylinders in the sunlight or near the heat source is prohibited.When you start the cylinder valves, the operator must stand in the bottle mouth side.

10, to abide by high pressure safety procedures for servicing.Every 1 day or weekly maintenance operation, each running 1000 hours or every six months to preserve, to be carried out in accordance with the rules and procedures.