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Peng Quan, Deputy Director-general of Hubei provincial science and technology department inspected HANS GS


The morning of July 5, 2013, Peng Quan the Hubei provincial science and technology department deputy director , Zhang Yanlin the provincial science and Technology Department of High Commissioner visit Wuhan HANS GOLDENSKY Laser System Co. Ltd., Chen Qingming, chief scientist and Wan Zixiong general manager gave a warm reception.

In the inspection process, Mr. Wan Zixiong made a detailed report on the science and technology innovation achievements in recent years——
High power CO2 laser independently developed by HANS GS from KW to 50KW,Able to meet the needs of 3D printing and high-end enterprise.Tipping paper laser drilling equipment in domestic market occupancy first.The plate and strip automatic welding equipment has filled the gap in our country and can replace the imported equipment completely.The laser cladding process can raise the life of mining machinery parts more than three times.


Peng Quan, deputy director, appreciated and affirmed the achievements of HANS GS in promoting the scientific and technological innovation in the laser industry.hopes HAN GS to continue to do a good job product technology innovation, scientific and technological achievements transformation,Enhance product quality and market competitiveness, the enterprise bigger and stronger, The Provincial Department of science and technology will also be the HANS GS laser materials manufacturing (3D printing), laser cladding and other innovative projects to give attention and support.