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Han’s GS metal laser cutting machine has been successfully used in the advertising industry


Han’s GS metal laser cutting machine has been successfully used in the advertising industry

Warmly celebrate Wuhan Han’s GS laser to cooperate with Australia customer, the fiber metal laser cutting machine is successfully used in the advertising industry, it has created a huge economic benefits with low cost and high efficiency.




Metal laser cutting machine and advertising industry

Advertising industry has always been the best stage of showing the unique charm of laser technologies, model, signs, logo and other applications are the representative of the laser processing technology applied in the advertising industry. Metal laser cutter is developed to be used in the advertising industry in recent years, so it should be compatible with the rapid development of advertising industry and its market potential is huge. Of course , it is also the opportunities and challenges for our laser equipment manufacturing enterprises. Improve the technology content, improve the running speed, improve the stability of the system, improve the accuracy of machining, these all should be considered in the process of market factors.

More information, please visit our website: http://www.hansgslaser.com